Join us in bringing to life a new approach to investing:
one that seeks to regenerate life
From fixing problems
to working with potential
A key driver of our global challenges is the pervasive reductionist mindset of our industrial civilization. This approach creates a false sense of separation—between humans, and between humans and nature—overlooking the importance of living systems thinking and interconnectedness.
The reductionist paradigm breaks systems into parts to understand each component, often ignoring how these parts interact within the whole system; while the living systems paradigm views systems as wholes, focusing on interactions and emergent properties.
The single-minded application of the reductionist thinking has led to significant scientific and technological advancements. However, its drive for dominance and control, with no regard for context, has come at the cost of the health of our planet, our people and our communities.
Environmental degradation, chronic health issues, social fragmentation, climate change, and the decline of mental health are all symptoms of this imbalance.
atreyu is a lighthouse for impact investors seeking to work from living systems principles. Our investing process has realising potential at its core.
Our mandate is to improve the wellbeing of our planet, our people, and our communities. We believe that to achieve this, we need to remember ways of thinking and being that are aligned with living systems.
Just as holistic medicine works alongside conventional medicine to treat the whole person rather than just the symptoms, a living systems approach enhances and restores the innate regenerative capacity of ecosystems as a whole, allowing them to not only heal but also to realise their potential and ultimately, to thrive.
At atreyu, we move beyond fixing problems. Starting with deep care for our investees and their ecosystems, we are driven to discover and work with their essence to realise their potential.